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How Do Social Media Ads Compare to Traditional Advertising

Written by Keith Gutierrez | Jan 16, 2024

Social media advertising has dominated roofing marketing, increasing global spending and diverse platform-specific capabilities. Brands can leverage the unique features of each platform to create targeted and engaging campaigns. 

As social media evolves, staying informed about platform trends and features is crucial for effective advertising strategies. 

As this evolving trend is here to stay, we also want to remember the immense success roofing companies can see while using traditional advertising methods. 

Throughout this article, we will show you how traditional advertising and social media advertising differ and how they can be used together - in the end, the goal is to utilize all of the advertising methods together to give your roofing company the best marketing campaign you can. 

Let’s begin by giving you an overview of each advertising method, including the challenges and advantages of each.

Traditional Advertising vs. Social Media Advertising

Advantages & Challenges of Traditional Advertising 

Traditional advertising methods focus on direct mail, radio, and TV advertising. 

Direct Mail Advertsing 

Direct mail advertising involves sending physical promotional materials, such as postcards, brochures, or catalogs, directly to a targeted audience via postal mail.


  • Targeted Audience: Allows for precise targeting based on demographics, location, or other criteria.
  • Tangibility: Physical materials can leave a lasting impression.
  • Measurable: Response rates can be tracked through coupon redemptions or other means.


  • Cost: Production and postage costs can be significant.
  • Environmental Impact: Concerns about paper usage and waste.

Radio Advertising 

Radio advertising involves promoting products or services through audio messages broadcast on radio stations.


  • Wide Reach: Radio reaches a broad audience, including commuters and those at work.
  • Cost-Effective: Often more affordable than TV advertising.
  • Frequency: Allows for high-frequency exposure to the message.


  • Lack of Visual Element: No visual component might limit the impact compared to TV.
  • Fragmented Audience: Different demographics tune in to different stations.

TV Advertising

TV advertising involves creating and broadcasting video commercials on television channels.


  • Visual Impact: Provides a combination of audio and visual elements.
  • Broad Reach: Reaches a large and diverse audience.
  • Credibility: Association with popular TV shows can enhance credibility.


  • Costly Production: High production costs for creating quality commercials.
  • Saturation: Viewers may experience ad fatigue with repetitive commercials.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising involves promoting products or services through paid placements on various social media platforms to reach a targeted audience. Social media advertising for many businesses has grown significantly in recent years, becoming a dominant force in digital marketing. 

As with traditional advertising, social media advertising has advantages and challenges. 

Advantages of Social Media Advertising:

Targeted Audience Reach: Social media platforms allow precise targeting based on demographics, interests, location, and other criteria, ensuring ads reach a highly relevant audience.
Global Exposure: Businesses can achieve a global reach through social media advertising, breaking geographical barriers, and expanding their audience beyond local boundaries.
Cost-Effectiveness: Social media advertising is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods, offering various budget options and the potential for high ROI.
Engagement and Interaction: Social media ads encourage direct engagement with the audience through likes, comments, shares, and direct messages, fostering a sense of community and brand loyalty.
Real-Time Analytics: Social media platforms provide real-time analytics, allowing businesses to monitor the performance of their campaigns, understand audience behavior, and make data-driven adjustments promptly.
Brand Building: Social media is a powerful platform for brand building, enabling businesses to create and strengthen brand awareness through consistent and engaging content.

Challenges of Social Media Advertising:

Algorithm Changes: Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms, impacting the organic reach of posts and requiring businesses to adapt their strategies accordingly.
Platform Guidelines: Adherence to strict community guidelines is crucial, as violations can result in ad removal or account suspension. Keeping up with ever-evolving rules poses a challenge for businesses.
Potential Overexposure: The frequency of ads on social media may lead to overexposure, potentially causing audience fatigue and reduced engagement. Striking the right balance without overwhelming the audience is a delicate challenge.
Negative Feedback: Negative feedback or criticisms can quickly spread on social media, affecting brand reputation. Managing and responding to negative comments promptly is essential to mitigate potential damage.
Platform Dependency: Businesses depend on the policies and changes implemented by social media platforms, which may impact visibility and reach. Relying solely on social media for advertising exposes businesses to uncertainties related to platform shifts.
Constant Adaptation: Social media is a dynamic environment requiring businesses to adapt to new features, trends, and technologies constantly. Staying updated can be resource-intensive and challenging.

Understanding the advantages and challenges of social media advertising enables businesses to develop strategies that maximize benefits while mitigating potential drawbacks.

Here are some key statistics on the increasing prevalence of social media advertising:

  1. Global Spending Growth: According to a recent study, global social media advertising spending will reach 300 billion dollars in 2024.
  2. Platform-Specific Growth: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms have witnessed a steady increase in ad spending, showcasing the effectiveness of social media advertising.
  3. Mobile Advertising Dominance: A substantial portion of social media ad spending is directed towards mobile platforms, reflecting the growing use of mobile devices for engagement.

Integrating a mix of these methods might be a strategic approach to consider to maximize reach and effectiveness. It's also essential to consider the evolving landscape with the rise of digital advertising and the changing preferences of consumers.

Comparing Reach and Targeting

Social Media Ads


Global Reach: Social media platforms have a massive user base, offering a global reach to advertisers.
Diverse Demographics: Appeal to a broad audience, spanning different age groups, interests, and demographics.


Granular Targeting: Allows advertisers to be particular in targeting based on age, location, interests, demographics, income levels, and job types.
Precision Marketing: Enables reaching the exact audience that aligns with the product or service.


Limitations in Specific Niches: Some niches, like roofing, may face challenges targeting specific criteria, such as homeownership status.

Traditional Advertising Channels


Localized Reach: Traditional channels like radio may have a more localized reach, targeting specific regions or local markets.
Limited Demographic Precision: The audience may not precisely align with the target demographics.


Challenges in Granularity: Traditional channels may lack the granular targeting options in social media advertising.
Generalized Audience: Advertisers may reach a broader audience, including those outside the target demographic.


Limited Homeowner Targeting: Targeting homeowners might face challenges in roofing advertisements on platforms like radio or TV.

Direct Mail Advertising:


Precise Geographic Targeting: Direct mail allows targeting specific neighborhoods or areas.
Higher Likelihood for Homeowners: Increases the likelihood of reaching homeowners due to neighborhood targeting.


Specific Criteria: Targets can be based on criteria like homeownership, income levels, and other demographic factors.


Cost Challenges: Direct mail costs more than social media or radio advertising.

TV Advertising:


Assumption Based on Channels: TV advertisers may assume homeowners will likely watch specific channels.
Limited Precision: Less precise compared to social media targeting.


Broad Demographic Reach: TV ads can reach a wide demographic, but targeting may not be as specific as on social media.
Potential Effectiveness: Despite assumptions, effectiveness in reaching homeowners might vary.


Limited Precision in Targeting: TV advertising relies on assumptions based on the channels chosen for promotion. Unlike social media advertising, which allows for granular targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, TV ads lack the precision to reach specific audience segments. This limitation can result in a broader reach but may miss the desired target demographic.

Effectiveness Measurement Challenges: Unlike digital platforms that provide real-time analytics and detailed metrics, TV ads often face difficulties in measuring audience engagement and conversion rates. The lack of immediate and granular data makes it harder for advertisers to assess the true impact of their TV campaigns in a timely manner.

Social media ads offer unparalleled precision in targeting specific demographics, making them highly effective for reaching niche audiences. While offering localized reach, traditional advertising channels may lack the granularity and precision of social media advertising.

Direct mail and TV ads may have some advantages, such as neighborhood targeting, but they also come with challenges and potential cost considerations. The choice between these channels depends on the advertiser's marketing goals, target audience, and budget constraints. Let’s look closer at the costs you can expect as you plan for your roofing advertising strategy.

Cost-Effectiveness and ROI

Social Media Ads

Impressions and Cost: Social media ads often provide more impressions at a lower cost than traditional methods. This is particularly beneficial for brand exposure.

Branding Cost-Effectiveness: Social media is a cost-effective platform for building brand awareness because it can reach a broad audience at a lower cost per impression.

Cost per Opportunity: Social media platforms allow for efficient research and precise targeting, contributing to a lower cost per opportunity.

Budget Flexibility: Advertisers can run effective campaigns on social media with smaller budgets, making them accessible to businesses with limited resources.

Traditional Advertising Methods

Brand and Offer Conversion: Conversion rates for brand and offer conversion may vary in traditional advertising methods, and it may require a more significant investment to see substantial results.

Budget Requirements: Traditional advertising methods, such as TV or radio, often demand larger budgets for effective campaigns due to production costs and airtime expenses.

Cost per Opportunity: Traditional methods may have a higher cost per opportunity, especially if targeting is not as precise, leading to exposure to a broader but less relevant audience.

Branding Challenges: Building a brand through traditional methods can be more expensive than the cost-effective branding options available on social media.

Social media advertising generally offers a more cost-effective solution for brand building and reaching a targeted audience. The ability to run campaigns with smaller budgets, efficient research and targeting, and higher impressions contribute to its appeal. 

Traditional advertising methods may require larger budgets, making them potentially less accessible for smaller businesses. However, the effectiveness of each method depends on various factors, such as the nature of the campaign, target audience, and overall marketing goals. 

A well-balanced and integrated approach may be the most strategic way to maximize the benefits of both social media and traditional advertising channels.

Related: Rethink Roofing Paid Advertising & Maximize Your ROI

Are There Advantages to Using Social Media Advertising?

Utilizing social media ads offers distinct advantages over traditional advertising methods. One notable advantage is the lower cost barrier to entry, allowing businesses, especially smaller ones, to embark on advertising campaigns with more manageable budgets. 

This affordability is significant for growing brand recognition within local communities without excessive expenses. Social media advertising also facilitates detailed reporting, providing businesses with valuable insights into the performance of their campaigns. This level of transparency and data-driven feedback surpasses what traditional methods typically offer. 

Recognizing the importance of an integrated marketing approach, businesses can effectively leverage social media and traditional channels to maximize their impact and reach a diverse audience. 

In essence, social media ads provide a cost-effective avenue for brand exposure and community engagement while offering comprehensive reporting tools for informed decision-making. 

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Roofing Facebook Paid Ads

Are There Advantages to Using Traditional Advertising?

Traditional advertising methods continue to offer several advantages that contribute to the overall marketing mix for businesses. 

One key advantage is the tangible and physical presence that traditional ads provide. Whether it's direct mail materials, radio commercials, or TV ads, the physical nature of these mediums can leave a lasting impression on the audience. Traditional advertising also targets certain demographics, effectively allowing businesses to reach specific local markets. 

For instance, radio advertisements can be tailored to specific regions, and direct mail enables precise geographic targeting. Moreover, traditional advertising channels often have a broad reach, making them suitable for creating widespread brand awareness. Additionally, the credibility associated with being featured on established radio stations or TV channels can enhance a business's reputation. 

Despite the rise of digital marketing, the enduring advantages of traditional advertising, such as tangibility, localized targeting, and broad reach, make it a valuable component in a well-rounded and comprehensive marketing strategy.

Tracking Performance

Social media ads generally provide better tracking and measurement of campaign performance than traditional advertising methods. In social media, the tracking capabilities are more granular and immediate. 

For instance, if someone clicks on a social media ad, the journey from the ad to the landing page and even a subsequent call can be tracked. Advertisers can implement tracking mechanisms such as unique URLs, tracking pixels, or even specific phone numbers that help attribute conversions directly to the social media ad.

While traditional advertising methods like radio or direct mail can also implement tracking mechanisms such as unique phone numbers, the level of immediacy and granularity may not match that of social media. Social media platforms provide real-time data on various metrics like views, clicks, and conversions, offering advertisers instant insights into the performance of their campaigns. 

On the other hand, traditional advertising might provide more indirect metrics, such as audience reach estimates, making it challenging to get instant and detailed feedback on campaign effectiveness. 

Self-reported attribution, where customers mention how they heard about a business, is another method used in social media and traditional advertising to gauge campaign impact. However, it might be more accurate and immediate in the social media context. 

Limitations with Social & Traditional Advertising

  • Platform Community Guidelines:
    Risk of Violating Guidelines: Social media platforms have strict community guidelines, and if an ad goes against these guidelines, it can be pulled until the issue is addressed. For example, a home improvement company advertising roof repairs might face challenges if the content violates community guidelines related to safety or authenticity.
  • User Attention and Engagement:
    Scanning and Missing Content: A physical presence captures attention in traditional advertising, such as direct mail or physical handouts. In contrast, social media users may quickly scan through their feeds, potentially missing or overlooking ads.
  • Frequency and User Experience:
    Potential Overexposure: While social media allows for increased ad display frequency, there's a risk of overexposing the audience, leading to ad fatigue. Traditional advertising methods may have more controlled exposure, avoiding potential annoyance.
  • Persistence of Presence:
    Continued Presence in the Feed: Social media enables advertisers to maintain a continuous presence in users' feeds through frequency. However, this may not align with everyone's preference, and traditional advertising may offer a more intermittent but potentially more impactful presence.
  • ‘Surround Sound’ Strategy:
    Challenges in Implementation: While the idea of a "surround sound" strategy, being present across multiple channels, is practical, executing this seamlessly on social media with other traditional methods may require careful coordination and integration.

While social media ads provide a powerful platform for advertising, the challenges associated with platform guidelines, user attention, frequency management, and coordination with other channels should be carefully navigated. 

A holistic "surround sound" strategy that combines social media with traditional methods can be highly effective, but it requires strategic planning to overcome the unique challenges posed by each channel. Advertisers should be mindful of these considerations to create a balanced and impactful marketing approach that aligns with both the advantages and limitations of social media advertising.

Integrating Social Media Ads with Traditional Advertising

Integrating social media ads with traditional advertising methods requires a thoughtful and strategic approach to creating a cohesive marketing campaign. 

Focusing on social media campaigns can be a cost-effective starting point for businesses with limited budgets. Social media allows precise targeting based on events, demographics, and interests. With its personalized and localized targeting capabilities, direct mail can be a powerful addition to the strategy but may incur higher creative, mailing, and printing costs. 

If the budget allows, investing in direct mail can lead to faster new business acquisition. Allocating additional budget to TV and radio advertising can broaden reach, complementing the targeted efforts on social media and direct mail. Incorporating pay-per-click advertising, where you pay when an advertisement is engaged, mainly through Google Search and Google Local Service Ads, can effectively capture users actively searching for relevant services. 

Utilizing a pay-per-lead model, where you pay when a lead is generated, and targeting specific user search inquiries enhances the precision of the campaign, ensuring that the marketing efforts align with user intent and preferences. 

Future Outlook

The advertising landscape is undergoing significant transformations with several emerging social media and traditional advertising trends. The introduction of generative AI marks a pivotal shift in how advertising campaigns are conceived, created, and analyzed. This technology empowers businesses to automate aspects of the creative process and generate personalized content, enhancing efficiency and customization. 

Additionally, there's a notable shift in the search perspective within social media platforms, where users increasingly seek product discovery. New advertising methods and platforms continue to emerge, providing businesses with innovative channels to connect with their target audience. 

Advertisers must remain agile as technology accelerates, constantly adapting to new tools and strategies to stay ahead. The blurring lines between digital and traditional advertising highlight the need for integrated campaigns that leverage the strengths of both approaches. 

In this dynamic environment, continually testing and trying new things becomes crucial for success in the ever-evolving advertising landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the dynamics between social media and traditional advertising is crucial for effective marketing campaigns.
  • Social media advertising dominates the marketing landscape, requiring businesses to stay informed about platform trends.
  • Integrating both social media and traditional methods is critical, leveraging the strengths of each channel for maximum impact.
  • Traditional advertising methods (direct mail, radio, TV) have advantages and challenges, requiring a well-balanced approach considering budget constraints.
  • Social media advertising offers cost-effective options, precise targeting, and detailed performance tracking, enhancing brand exposure.
  • Challenges like platform guidelines and potential overexposure in social media should be navigated strategically.
  • The future outlook highlights the transformative impact of generative AI, shifts in search perspectives, and the emergence of new advertising methods and platforms.
  • Advertisers must remain agile, adapting to technological advancements and testing new strategies to stay ahead in the ever-evolving advertising landscape.

Have questions? We would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out and talk with an experienced advisor on any of your advertising or sales & marketing needs.