Assignment Selling Blog

How to Get Organization-Wide Commitment for Sales and Marketing Coaching

Written by Eliza Spain | Mar 22, 2023

CSO Insights states that while 94% of businesses have raised their targets, only 44% of them are confident that their sales strategy can enable them to achieve those goals. [source]

The primary objective of any organization is to generate revenue, and all activities are geared towards achieving this goal. 

While sales teams are often the focus of revenue generation efforts, solely relying on them can be a mistake.

To optimize revenue opportunities, it's crucial to establish a sales and marketing culture that permeates the entire organization. 

An organization-wide culture ensures that all teams recognize their contribution towards a common goal, and work towards improving sales and marketing and fostering lasting customer relationships in their unique ways.

As organizations strive to remain competitive and innovative, investing in employee development through training and coaching programs becomes increasingly essential.

However, getting an organization-wide commitment for such programs can be a challenging task.

We will explore some of the best strategies to get an organization-wide commitment for training and coaching programs. 

We'll talk about:

Develop a Clear Plan

When hiring a sales and marketing coach, it is essential for a business owner to develop a clear plan to maximize the benefits of the coaching program

Here you will find a few key factors to consider:

  • Identify your goals: The first step is to identify what you want to achieve through sales and marketing coaching. Whether it is to increase sales, generate more qualified leads, or enhance customer engagement, defining your goals will help you focus on the areas that need improvement.
  • Assess your current situation: Before hiring a coach, it is important to assess your current sales and marketing processes, strategies, and tools. This will help your coach understand your strengths and weaknesses and develop a tailored coaching plan that addresses your specific needs.
  • Choose the right coach: It is important to choose a coach who has expertise and experience in your industry and understands your unique challenges. Look for a coach who has a proven track record of success and can provide references from previous clients.
  • Define the scope: Clearly define the scope of the coaching program, including the duration, frequency of sessions, and expected outcomes. This will help both you and your coach stay on track and measure progress towards your goals.
  • Allocate resources: Sales and marketing coaching requires a significant investment of time and resources. Allocate the necessary resources, including budget, personnel, and tools, to ensure that the coaching program is successful.
  • Monitor progress: Regularly monitor progress towards your goals and make adjustments to the coaching plan as needed. This will ensure that you are getting the most out of the coaching program and achieving the desired results.

When you develop a clear plan for sales and marketing coaching, you can maximize the benefits of the program and achieve their desired outcomes. 

Connect on Shared Values

For training and coaching to work effectively, it's essential that company leadership align on shared values that support a culture of learning, growth, and development.

What shared values should you align on for coaching and training to work?

Take a look as we discuss more on the shared values that company leadership should align on.

Commitment to learning and development

Company leadership should be committed to providing opportunities for employees to learn and grow. This includes investing in training and coaching programs and encouraging employees to take advantage of these opportunities.

Continuous improvement

Company leadership should value continuous improvement and encourage employees to strive for excellence. This means creating a culture where mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning and improvement, and where employees are encouraged to take risks and try new approaches.

Collaboration and teamwork

Company leadership should foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork, where employees work together to achieve common goals. This means providing opportunities for employees to work together, promoting open communication and feedback, and recognizing and rewarding team achievements.

Respect for diversity and inclusion

Company leadership should value diversity and inclusion and create a culture that respects and celebrates differences. This means providing training and coaching that promotes cultural awareness and sensitivity, ensuring that all employees feel included and valued, and addressing any instances of discrimination or bias.

Focus on results and impact

Company leadership should prioritize results and impact and encourage employees to focus on achieving measurable outcomes. This means setting clear goals and expectations, providing feedback and support to help employees achieve these goals, and recognizing and rewarding employees who make a significant impact.


Believe that your competitive differentiator should be becoming the best educator around your products and services rather than being the best seller. 

By aligning these shared values, company leadership can create a culture that supports and reinforces the training and coaching efforts.

This will help ensure that employees are engaged, motivated, and committed to their own development and the success of the organization.

Stakeholders Involved in Conversation

Now, you may be wondering, who all should be involved?

It’s important to involve all relevant stakeholders to ensure that everyone’s needs are considered and addressed.

This involvement in the decision-making process can create a sense of ownership and accountability.

Stakeholders can provide valuable feedback, identify training needs and goals, and help implement programs.

Here are some stakeholders that should be involved in the conversation:

  • Leadership team: The leadership team sets the tone for the organization and can help motivate the rest of the team to commit to training and coaching. If leaders are seen as actively participating and advocating for training and coaching, it can create a positive culture of learning and development.
  • Sales: Sales teams are often the driving force behind an organization's revenue, and providing them with the right training and coaching can significantly impact their performance. Involving them in the conversation can help identify specific areas of focus and ensure that the training is tailored to their needs.
  • Marketing: Marketing teams can benefit from training and coaching to keep up with the latest industry trends and techniques. Involving them in the conversation can help identify areas where they need support and create a more cohesive approach to marketing efforts.
  • Customer Service Teams: Customer service is a critical aspect of any business, and training and coaching can help ensure that customer service teams have the skills and knowledge they need to provide the best possible service to customers. Involving them in the conversation can help identify specific areas of focus and ensure that the training is tailored to their needs.
  • Workshop Setting: Including everyone in a workshop setting can help create a sense of unity and shared purpose around the training and coaching program. It can also create a forum for discussion and collaboration, allowing everyone to share their experiences and insights and learn from each other.

By involving key stakeholders in the conversation, you can help ensure that the training and coaching program is relevant, effective, and well-supported by the entire team.

You will want everyone involved in the workshops, not just the top leadership teams. 

Having alignment across the board is key.

After conducting your workshops, you can break your teams up as needed. 

Naturally, some team members will be more involved than others. 

Convincing Your Team

Convincing your team will be difficult, but getting your leadership team involved and embracing this first, will help.

Focus on how you can be the teacher, and show how coaching is being used, hoping that everyone will see and realize the value too.

Getting your team on board with the training and coaching program may take time and effort, but it's worth it to invest in their development and contribute to the success of the organization. 

If your team is resistant, here are a few steps you can take to get your team on board:

  • Address their concerns: Find out why they resist sales and marketing training and address their specific concerns. 
    This could be a lack of time, a lack of confidence, or a belief that they already know everything they need to know.
  • Show the benefits: Highlight the benefits of the training, such as increased job satisfaction, increased sales and revenue, and improved customer satisfaction. Make it clear how the training will benefit the team and the company.
  • Make it relevant: Customize the training to meet the needs of your team, making sure it is relevant to their role and job responsibilities.
  • Involve them in the planning: Involve your team in the planning and preparation of the training, giving them a sense of ownership and buy-in.
  • Lead by example: If you are a leader in the organization, be a role model and participate in the training yourself, demonstrating your commitment to professional development and improvement.
  • Follow up and provide support: After the training, provide ongoing support and coaching to help your team implement what they have learned and reinforce their new skills.

To effectively address concerns about sales and marketing training, it’s important to understand the reasons behind the resistance.

Resistance could be due to the following:

Lack of time

What you can do: Offer flexible training options, such as online or self-paced learning, prioritize training and coaching by scheduling it during work hours, break up the training into smaller, manageable sessions to make it easier to fit in with their schedule, and highlight the benefits of long-term training and coaching programs.

Lack of confidence

What you can do: Provide support and encouragement throughout the training program, assign a mentor or coach to work with them one-on-one to provide guidance, offer positive feedback and recognize their accomplishments, and incorporate hands-on learning opportunities and practice sessions to build their confidence.

A belief that they already know everything they need to know

What you can do: Emphasize the importance of lifelong learning and the needs to keep up with changing industry trends and best practices, highlight the benefits, encourage them to approach the coaching with an open mind and a willingness to learn, and incorporate new and challenging content into the training to slightly push them out of their comfort zone to expand their knowledge and skills.

To overcome these concerns, it's important to highlight the benefits of the training, such as increased job satisfaction, increased sales and revenue, and improved customer satisfaction. 

Customizing the training to meet the team's needs, involving them in the planning, and offering incentives help build buy-in. 

Be patient, listen to their concerns, and provide the support they need to succeed.

Next Steps Once You’ve Hired a Coach

Once your organization is on board and you have hired a coach, what can you expect to be your next steps?

We’re glad you asked. 

Training will happen first

Before diving into a new project or initiative, training is often necessary to ensure that all team members have the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the task at hand successfully.

This may involve providing technical training on new tools or software or more general training on project management or communication skills. By investing in training upfront, teams can work more efficiently and effectively, leading to better results in the long run.

Organizational-wide workshop that will set the tone for overall goals

An organizational-wide workshop can be a valuable way to get everyone on the same page and aligned around common goals. This workshop may involve setting goals and objectives for the organization, discussing company culture, or exploring ways to improve collaboration and communication.

Organizations can create a shared vision that inspires and motivates everyone to work towards a common purpose by engaging everyone in the process and providing a forum for discussion and feedback.

Identify the key questions that buyers are asking and what’s important to buyers when making a decision (through research)

To successfully market a product or service, it's important to understand what buyers are looking for and what factors are most important to them when making a purchase decision. This may involve conducting market research, such as surveys or focus groups, to gather insights into buyer behavior and preferences.

By understanding what matters most to buyers, organizations can tailor their messaging and sales approach to meet their needs better, increasing the likelihood of a successful sale.

Learn how to create content

Content creation is critical to many marketing and sales strategies. This may involve creating written content, such as blog posts or whitepapers, or visual content, such as videos or infographics.

Learning how to create compelling content that resonates with your target audience requires understanding their needs and communicating your message clearly and succinctly.

Start creating the content

Once the skills and knowledge necessary for content creation have been developed, it's time to put those skills into practice by creating content.

This may involve collaborating with others on the team, such as subject matter experts or designers, to develop content that effectively communicates the organization's message and resonates with its target audience.

Coaches evaluate progress and provide direction until team members are comfortable in their roles

Coaching can be an effective way to help team members develop their skills and become more confident in their roles. This may involve working one-on-one with a coach to identify improvement areas, receive performance feedback, and develop a plan for growth.

Organizations can help their team members reach their full potential and achieve greater success by providing ongoing coaching and support.

When encouraging employees to participate in the training and coaching program, it is crucial to provide them with continued support and resources.

Encouraging Continued Involvement

How might you be able to involve your employees in implementing training and coaching programs?

There are many ways you can successfully increase their engagement and buy-in. 

Let's take a look: 

  • Be empathetic to different personalities and skill sets: Employees have different learning styles, preferences, and skill sets, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not work for everyone. Some employees may prefer in-person training, while others prefer online training modules to work at their own pace. It is essential to ensure that the training and coaching programs are inclusive and accessible to all employees, regardless of their background, language, or culture. This means translating training materials into different languages, providing assistive technology, or offering accommodations for employees with disabilities. 
  • Encourage and highlight participation and make them feel comfortable: Offer certificates of completion and reward employees who have shown improvement in their job performance. Practice active listening and respectful communication. Ensure that everyone in the conversation is treated with respect and dignity. Be sure to provide positive feedback and reinforcements when someone contributes to the conversation–this can help build confidence and encourage continued participation.
  • Create a scorecard to see who’s contributing and ensure they see the full value of what they're doing: Recognizing and rewarding employees who participate in the training and coaching program can encourage others to participate. The system must be seen as fair and objective to motivate everyone to participate. Make it fun! Consider incorporating a team-based element into the scorecard system. This can encourage collaboration and help build a sense of community among participants.

By creating a scorecard system that is transparent, engaging, and adaptable, you can motivate people to contribute and recognize the full value of their efforts. 

Final Thoughts

Getting organization-wide commitment for training and coaching is a critical step in building a successful and competitive team. 

By aligning on shared values and involving key stakeholders in the conversation, you can help to create a culture of learning and development that benefits both the organization and its employees. 

However, resistance from team members is common, so it's important to address objections and provide support and incentives to encourage participation. 

With patience, persistence, and a commitment to lifelong learning, you can help build a team that is equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to succeed in today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape.